Tuesday 1 November 2011

BabY Dumping

      a) Baby dumping refers to discarding or leaving alone, for an extended period of time, or can say as actions of leaving away the babies without taking care of the babies. It is a cruel and selfish action that murders a new life of baby.This crisis had been more serious from day to day although there is a lot of news in the mass media, newspaper or magazine. It believes that will affect negatively in Malaysian society. Baby dumping cases commonly happened when the baby was just born or younger than 12 months, then the irresponsible parents throw over the baby at the toilet, obscurity place, or back alley to avoid their burden and responsibility.

 b)The main reason of baby dumping is based on the parents. First, unwanted pregnancies is one of the major causes of baby dumping, as most of these young women are not prepared to take care of the baby and try to get rid of the illegitimate child. Therefore, men irresponsibility to avoid burden as a father of the baby also contributes to the women’s decision to dump the babyThe baby is borned due to unplanned or unwanted pregnancy and probably teenagers involved in this situation. There are not mature enough on their thinking, parents are not able and not willing to take the responsibility for giving care to their baby. In addition, teenagers are afraid to tell their parents about the truth, they know that they already making mistakes in this situation, so that they rather dump the innocent’s baby as a decision to avoid punishment. One of the reason also related to religious, parents are the one who interact most with the teenagers, they have to provide moral education to their children. At the same time, provide some sex knowledge to their children to ensure that their son/daughter won’t make mistake, but make sure that must pay a lot of attention to them. This is because the causes of having sex between male and female are curiosity. After they have relaxed on their sex activities, who will be the victim? Well, can you imagine that if you are a baby, and you are waiting to explore this world with full of hopes, but someone who borned you dumped you away with a stone hearts, what you will feel right now? Mad? Disappoint? Sad? Seriously, I don’t know what I should think at this moment.

c)i)This baby-dumping phenomenon is a direct result of our society's failure to acknowledge and address our blinkered viewpoint of sex, and for allowing our personal religious convictions to dictate public heath.Scenario of baby dumping is increasing nowadays, it will definitely affect society. Society becomes lack of humanity due to give up a new baby life directly. If this kind of cases happened again, it also will affect the view and thinking of other teenagers or children that may cause them to the wrong way. Teenagers easy to imitate the same way, they will think that the best solution to solve this kind of problem is to dump the baby. So with this negative thinking, they will be a lot of baby dumping cases happened among teenagers. Baby is innocent, they should be bring into life, they have right to live, they shouldn't be dumped. Society must know that the baby is a new life, must appreciate it but not throw away. It is a shame, teenagers have to think twice about it properly.

ii)Most of the parents that involved in baby dumping cases are teenagers. As we know, future generation plays an important role in nation building, they will be the leaders of the country in the future. Therefore, the best way to avoid them is provide better education to them in order to growth them to be useful for future. In addition, increasing of the cases of baby dumping lead our country’s reputation falls and definitely the number of foreign visitors will decrease. As a result, the profit of our country may also fall down. This situation may lead the foreign investor become lesser. Finally, the effects of baby dumping are obviously bad, it caused to many problems occurred in our country that may caused our country to become worst. 

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